The small little update of an eventful life.

Ryandi Pratama
Apr 28, 2023


Hi Medium. Long time no see.

I was busy living lately. And sadly, writing is not part of it. I felt like I lost my voice. I wasn’t sure about anything anymore. I don’t know and don’t really care if it was typical for the early 30s, but here I am.

I messed up. BIG TIME.

I’m struggling to right what’s wrong.

Still figuring things out while doing things. DO. Yeah, I score thinking as lowly possible lately. To put action before anything else. I shifted my attitutde towards life. Let myself change on how to approach it.

Am I doing fine?

I’m still alive for sure.

I’m not the best, but at least, I feel I’m getting better. Compared to yesterday, at least.

I keep telling myself, to feel enough for having another chance at life.

Let’s see.



Ryandi Pratama

I write to explore my thoughts and dreams. Sometimes it is a fantasy story, poetry, movie idea, lyric, or a rant. Well, definitely a rant.